1.The advice is familiar: brush and floss regularly, use fluoride mouthwash, limit snacks and sweet drinks, visit the dentist twice a year.
2.As you can imagine, not having fingerprints can present challenges in countries that regularly use them for identification and travel.
3.Up to 90 percent of people regularly use caffeine, and about 100 milligrams is enough to trigger withdrawal symptoms, says Griffiths.
4.They regularly use their non-visual senses to feel the world and manifest it into a mental photograph.
5.Experts do not recommend allowing those under eight to regularly use 3D glasses, because their eye muscles are still developing.
6.Does the supplier regularly use Value Engineering with its customers to offer cost reductions?
7.do not recommend allowing children under eight to regularly use 3D glasses because their eye muscles are still developing.
8.He advises you pick up your mail regularly, use security checks and mail your bill payments at the post office or at a blue mailbox.
9.Step two: Regularly use a good bleaching agent, either over-the-counter or in the dentist's office.
10.Money is the set of assets in an economy that people regularly use to buy goods and services from other people.